Monday 24 November 2008


I showcased my new song, Junior Architect to my songwriting class on Friday. Here's what the tutor, Heidi Berry, wrote:
Simon gave a strong performance on guitar and vocals of a song based on ‘back to the drawing board’. This used a wide variety of imagery (e.g. the architects and his plans) and the group felt this was a strong song. I suggested playing some open mic nights to gain confidence in performing live.
She also asked me if she could have a recording of it!

I was so nervous when I was playing it! I managed to keep my voice under control, even though I could hear it wobbling and I was running out of breath very easily. But my guitar playing was awful! It felt like I had hooks for hands. I think my tutor's suggestion of playing open mic nights is a good one.

Only thing is there's a film festival on in Brighton at the moment so I'm too busy to be doing much else. (Excuses!)

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