Thursday 4 June 2009


I was just looking at the words I've used as titles for these blog entries...

Words, Roots, Song, Relief, Hastings, Change, Before, Stormy, Well, I've, Another, Interference, Worthy, Cock-ups, Hate, Dive, Job, Scrabble, Low-key, Ghosts, Eve, Jumping, Two, Hooks, List, Week, Toy, Appreciation, Stadium, USP, Honest, Extraordinarily, Real, Booming, Caravan, Arigato, Why

...and it's given me an idea to try and write a song using some of these words. I knew there was a reason for keeping titles to one word. Maybe I should cut them down a bit first though.

Or I could use them together:

Word roots, Song relief, Hastings change, Before stormy, Well I've another interference, Worthy cock-ups, Hate dive, Job scrabble, Low-key ghosts, Eve jumping, Two hooks, List week, Toy appreciation, Stadium USP, Honest Extraordinarily, Real booming, Caravan arrigato, Why?

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