Tuesday 21 October 2008


That's funny... the same day that I decide I'm going to set myself this challenge of gigging in Portland my Mom phoned and said that her and my Dad are going to try and find a static caravan to buy as a holiday home.

The same as me, my Mom thought, well, why not. This is so unlike my Mom. But then – I've never heard her so excited on the phone.

I too feel excited about my plans. This is the third post I've written today – that's how excited I am! It's an excitement I've been craving for a while. I've been lost in my head all day, thinking about this Portland gig actually happening. Thinking about how I could do it; what I need to do to get there; what people I can email so I can meet up with some musicians over there.

Now, when I say musicians, I'm still not sure if I apply in this category. I've played in a few bands now and I know my Delorean mode (no, that's a car isn't it? It's lydian isn't it?) but I still think musicians are the ones who sit very upright and have sheet music in front of them. I should make it clear, I'm under no pretences and I'm not being modest: my music is very amateur. My singing voice is very limited and often strays out of my control on a whim. I've written about eight songs in my life, about two of which I'm truly happy with. I'm not a regular gigging musician and I find the whole gigging experience extremely nerve-wracking. I'm still very much a beginner.

But I suppose I just see these as things I need to overcome if I'm to acheive my dream. It's like an argument with myself. I've always been a stubborn sod and if someone tells me to do something I won't do it on principle. But in this case it's me telling myself I can't do something and me stubbornly refusing to do as I say.


Anonymous said...

Hi Simon!

I just saw your post on Portland's craigslist and shared it with my best friend-- we both think it's great that you want to come here to the land of hipsters and ironic beards so badly. Keep us updated, we'll totally come to your small gig! Provided it's not a 21+ show, that is :]

We're also both mildly obsessed--to put it lightly--with the UK (especially the music scene), so to discover that someone from there actually feels the same way about Portland is quite amazing, ha.

Anyway, hope all is well. Keep on playing!

-Kristen & Alex

Simon John Parkin said...

Hi Kristen & Alex,
Thanks for stopping by.

Yeah, I suppose it's one of those things that you don't always know about the things happening in your own backyard.

I went to college in a place called Stourbridge which spawned such bands as The Wonderstuff, Neds Atomic Dustbin, and Pop Will Eat Itself, but I didn't have a clue about them at the time.

Funny, also, that I'm coming from Brighton, the land of unironic beards and hipsters!

Keep in touch guys